I am thrilled to announce that LawSites is moving. The new address for the blog is http://devel.lawsitesblog.justiapro.com and the new RSS feed is http://devel.lawsitesblog.justiapro.com/feed. I hope you will check out the new site.

I am particularly thrilled with the new design, which was done for me by the good folks at Justia. The blog will now run on WordPress, as I move off Blogger, where I’ve been since 2002.

Today is moving day (given that Blogger’s FTP support shuts down tomorrow). Once the dust settles, I will post more about the transition. For now, I hope you’ll update your feeds and bookmarks and let me know your thoughts on the new design.

This will be my final post via Blogger FTP.

Photo of Bob Ambrogi Bob Ambrogi

Bob is a lawyer, veteran legal journalist, and award-winning blogger and podcaster. In 2011, he was named to the inaugural Fastcase 50, honoring “the law’s smartest, most courageous innovators, techies, visionaries and leaders.” Earlier in his career, he was editor-in-chief of several legal publications, including The National Law Journal, and editorial director of ALM’s Litigation Services Division.